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Writer's pictureMorgan Ertel

The ABCs of Workplace Strategy for Academic Medical Centers: Best Practices for Administrative Space Allocation and Management

Administrative spaces within academic medical centers (AMCs) are essential to their seamless operation and overall success. These spaces, when effectively allocated and managed, can significantly improve productivity, collaboration, and well-being amongst administrative staff. To achieve this, it’s crucial to adopt a strategic approach that addresses both current demands and future adaptability. By understanding the unique needs of each department, creating flexible and healthy work environments, leveraging data for informed decision-making, and ensuring proximity to critical clinical areas, we can optimize administrative spaces for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Below are the best practices for achieving these goals.


A: Assessing Needs and Usage
  1. Needs Assessment: Begin with a comprehensive needs assessment to understand the specific requirements of various administrative departments. Identify the unique needs of each team, including the nature of their work, required space types, and technology needs.

  2. Space Utilization Analysis: Conduct a thorough space utilization study to identify how current spaces are used. This analysis can highlight underutilized areas, opportunities for reallocation, and potential for shared spaces.

  3. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with key stakeholders, including administrative staff, department heads, and facility managers, to gather insights and feedback on current space challenges and future needs.

B: Building Flexible and Adaptive Spaces
  1. Modular Design: Implement modular design principles to create flexible spaces that can adapt to changing needs. Movable walls, adaptable furniture, and multifunctional areas allow for easy reconfiguration.

  2. Activity-Based Working: Encourage activity-based working (ABW) environments where employees have access to different types of workspaces tailored to specific tasks. This includes quiet zones for focused work, collaborative areas for team meetings, and social spaces for informal interactions.

  3. Technology Integration: Ensure that administrative spaces are equipped with the latest technology to support remote work, virtual collaboration, and seamless communication. This includes high-speed internet, video conferencing facilities, and digital collaboration tools.

C: Creating a Collaborative and Healthy Work Environment
  1. Collaborative Spaces: Design spaces that promote collaboration and interaction. Open-plan offices, breakout areas, and communal meeting rooms can enhance teamwork and knowledge sharing.

  2. Wellness and Ergonomics: Prioritize employee well-being by incorporating ergonomic furniture, natural lighting, and access to outdoor spaces. Wellness amenities such as quiet rooms, fitness areas, and healthy food options can also contribute to a healthier work environment.

  3. Biophilic Design: Integrate biophilic design elements, such as indoor plants, green walls, and natural materials, to create a calming and inspiring atmosphere that can boost employee morale and productivity.

D: Data-Driven Decision Making
  1. Space Management Software: Utilize space management software to monitor and manage space allocation in real-time. This can help identify trends, optimize space usage, and enable data-driven decision-making.

  2. Regular Reviews: Conduct regular reviews of space usage and employee feedback to ensure that the administrative spaces continue to meet evolving needs. This iterative process allows for continuous improvement and adaptation.

  3. Benchmarking: Benchmark your AMC’s administrative spaces against industry standards and best practices to identify areas for improvement and innovation.

E: Enhancing Proximity to Critical Spaces
  1. Proximity Analysis: Conduct a proximity analysis to understand the ideal locations for different administrative staff. Determine the critical clinical and operational spaces that require close collaboration with administrative functions.

  2. Strategic Placement: Strategically place administrative teams near the clinical departments they support. This can streamline workflows, reduce response times, and enhance communication between administrative and clinical staff.

  3. Zoning: Implement zoning strategies to group related administrative functions together while maintaining proximity to key clinical areas. This approach can create efficient clusters of activity and facilitate better coordination.

  4. Accessibility: Ensure that administrative spaces are easily accessible from various parts of the campus. This includes considering wayfinding, transportation options, and the physical layout of the campus to minimize travel time and improve overall efficiency.


Effective administrative space allocation and management are critical to the success of academic medical centers. By following these best practices, we can create administrative environments that meet the dynamic needs of academic medical centers, ensuring they remain at the forefront of healthcare and education.

Morgan is a Senior Workplace Strategist at NBBJ. With ten years of industry experience, Morgan specializes in developing innovative workplace strategies for both international corporate and national healthcare clients. 


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